Dipartimento di Matematica ''F. Casorati''

HomeAppuntamenti › SL(2,C) Higgs bundles with smooth spectral dataIT|EN

SL(2,C) Higgs bundles with smooth spectral data

Mike Wolf (Rice University)

Aula Beltrami - Mercoledì 24 Febbraio 2016 h.14:30

Abstract. Abstract: We show that for every nonelementary representation of a surface group into SL(2,C) there is a Riemann surface structure such that the Higgs bundle associated to the representation lies outside the discriminant locus of the Hitchin fibration. Along the way in the argument, we encounter a number of constructions in the geometry of surfaces: complex projective structures, pleated surfaces, harmonic maps to R-trees and the Thurston compactification. Much of the talk will be devoted to explaining the statement and as many of the constructions as time permits. (Joint with Richard Wentworth.)

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Dipartimento di Matematica ''F. Casorati''

Università degli Studi di Pavia - Via Ferrata, 5 - 27100 Pavia
Tel +39.0382.985600 - Fax +39.0382.985602