Home › Appuntamenti › What about nutrient kinetics in a (gliomatous) brain? | IT|EN |
Sala conferenze IMATI-CNR, Pavia - Martedì 13 Novembre 2018 h.15:00
Abstract. The brain is an organ with high energy needs. While it represents only 2% of the body weight it grabs at least 20% of its total energy needs. The consumed energy can come from many forms such as glutamate, glucose, oxygen and also lactate. Moreover energy is necessary to support neural activity. But because energy management in healthy and tumoral cells can be difficult to observe and explain experimentally, we use mathematical modeling to help to describe and understand cells energy changes. We present here a time-delayed system and two fast-slow systems describing the local mechanisms of interest. We will also compare simulations with MRS and literature data and discuss our results.
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